Jan 29, 2019
Mark is the author of eight books, including the bestseller The Fred Factor: How Passion In Your Work and Life Can Turn the Ordinary Into the Extraordinary which has sold more than 1.6 million copies internationally.
Jan 22, 2019
Jan 15, 2019
Jane Blackman is a celebrant and helps people to celebrate life, whether that be a wedding, funeral or naming ceremony. The way that she personalises the events she does makes for a far better experience and far more relevant.
Jan 8, 2019
"Customers are your lifeblood. lose them and you bleed to death"
Gerry is known as The Customer Lifeguard. His mission is to save the world from bad customer service and if you have been to many high street stores recently you'll realise just how much work he has on his...
Jan 1, 2019
Alan is a best selling author, international speaker and marketing expert. He also tells a great story and we hear a few in this weeks episode.