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Series 1: Exceeding Expectations - Episodes 1 to 100

Series 2: Happy vs Flourishing - Episodes 1 to 25

Series 3: Habits & Health - Episodes 1 to 100

Series 4: The Art of Living Proactively (Harnessing the Power of Your Choices) - Episodes 1 to ...

The main content for this podcast including transcripts and more details on the guest for each episode, can be found at

Oct 22, 2019

Heather is the author of Shine Your Bright, Chief Financial Officer of Keyston Bros, and Co-Founder of Choose Goodness, Her success has grown rapidly. She grew up striving for the perfect life – a fairy tale romance and a successful career.  While working her way through the checklist of accomplishments, she found a disconnect.
The person she was at home was not the person she was at work, nor even the person she IS.  She was playing the role rather than participating in the life.  She has found excitement in bringing her full self to every aspect of her life.  Through her book, Shine Your Bright, she helps people find the peace and courage to do the same.
Favourite Quote: "Hitch your wagon to a star and follow your dreams"
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